• A Big Win for Trimboli & Prusinowski in the Independent Contractor vs. Employee Debate, But the Case is Not Over Yet

    October 16, 2020 The question of whether certain workers are independent contractors or employees in today’s gig economy is, without doubt, a hot topic.  Indeed, it was recently reported that Uber and Lyft are spending $100 million on a California ballot initiative to overturn a state law that classifies drivers as employees. Well, in New […]

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  • Have You Reviewed Your IA Policies? Now is the Time.

    Client Alert:  Have You Reviewed Your IA Policies?  Now is the Time. AG Now Requires Public Disclosure of Officers Who Receive Major Discipline Trimboli & Prusinowski, LLC, June 19, 2020 Not in a generation has the call for police reform been expressed with such intensity. The call shifted overnight from a quiet drumbeat to an […]

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  • COVID-19 Checklist for NJ Public Employers

    COVID-19 Checklist for NJ Public Employers Under state and federal law, New Jersey employers have a responsibility to provide a safe and healthful work environment for all employees. Public employers must simultaneously be able to continue to provide local government services in a state of emergency, and under predicted staffing shortages. This checklist is intended […]

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  • COVID-19 Checklist for NJ Private Employers

    COVID-19 Checklist for NJ Private Employers This checklist is intended to provide employers with proposed policies and procedures for employers to follow during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”), and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) have all issued guidance regarding COVID-19 and/or pandemic […]

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    BREAKING NEWS: SUPREME COURT SUMMARILY AFFIRMS DECISION ALLOWING MEDICAL MARIJUANA USER TO PROCEED ON HIS WORKPLACE DISCRIMINATION CLAIM On March 10, 2020, in a brief decision, the New Jersey Supreme Court summarily affirmed the decision of the Superior Court, Appellate Division, in Justin Wild v. Carriage Funeral Holdings, Inc. Wild involved a funeral director who […]

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  • The Top 5 Reasons Why an Employee Handbook is Critical for Your Business

    The Top 5 Reasons Why an Employee Handbook is Critical for Your Business by Paul Salvatoriello, Esq. February 3, 2020 Have you heard the old adage that you are more likely to get something done if you take the time to write it down?  Well, the same holds true for your company’s policies.  Writing down […]

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  • An Individual Who Has An LLC Is An Independent Contractor Or Employee?

    An Individual Who Has An LLC Is An Independent Contractor Or Employee? Just because an individual which is engaged by a business has an LLC, does not mean that the DoL will classify that person as an independent contractor.  New Jersey’s Department of Labor has increased its enforcement of IC classifications; however, this sweep goes […]

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  • Who is an Independent Contractor In New Jersey?

    As New Jersey’s Department of Labor increases its enforcement of independent contractor classifications, Trimboli and Prusinowski has been asked what criteria needs to be met for an individual to be classified as an IC. The test for ICs is known as the ABC test: A:        The individual must be free from control or direction over […]

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  • Court Rules on Union Officials being Paid for Release Time by Public Entities for Private Purposes.

    Full release time for union officials while receiving full pay from a public entity may violate the prohibition of public funds being used for private purposes.  A New Jersey court in Rozenblit v. Lyles, 2019 WL 3938349, at *1 (App Div. 2019) two Jersey City residents who challenged the Constitutionality of a provision in the […]

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  • Is Firing a Transgender Employee Discrimination Based on Sex?

    The Supreme Court Will Soon Decide Transgender Rights in Major Employment Discrimination Case:  R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC by Paul Salvatoriello, Esq. October 2019 One of the first cases to be heard before the United States Supreme Court this term is also likely to be one of the most significant cases of […]

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